Yogi Berra Quotes

I don't mean to be funny.... -Yogi Berra
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This quote humorously highlights the positive aspect of Little League baseball, suggesting that it serves as a constructive activity for children that also indirectly benefits society by keeping parents engaged and occupied, thereby reducing potential mischief or idle behavior.

A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.... -Yogi Berra
The future ain't what it used to be.... -Yogi Berra
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The quote humorously implies that there are many untrue stories or rumors circulating about the speaker, emphasizing the prevalence of misinformation or false narratives in sports.

I never said most of the things I said.... -Yogi Berra
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This quote offers advice or insight related to hitting a home run in baseball. It suggests that hitting a home run does not require excessive force, but rather precise timing. It conveys the idea that skill, technique, and timing are essential for success, rather than sheer strength or effort.

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This quote juxtaposes the significance of love with the enjoyment derived from activities like baseball. It suggests that while love is deemed the most important aspect of life, other pursuits or hobbies can also bring fulfillment and happiness. It underscores the idea that a well-rounded life involves not only deep connections with others but also the pursuit of personal interests and passions.

Even Napoleon had his Watergate.... -Yogi Berra
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The quote humorously suggests that the speaker's team would have emerged victorious if the opposing team had not achieved their own victory, implying a playful and hypothetical scenario.

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This quote humorously highlights the importance of having clear goals and direction in life. It implies that without a clear sense of purpose or destination, one may end up in unexpected or undesired circumstances. It reflects the significance of setting goals and making intentional choices in life.

You can observe a lot by watching.... -Yogi Berra