W. H. Auden Quotes

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This quote suggests that music serves as a powerful medium for processing or assimilating the passing of time and the emotions that accompany life's events. It implies that music has the capacity to evoke memories, emotions, and reflections on various moments in life, making it a unique and potent art form for emotional expression.

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This quote presents an intriguing perspective that implies a limitation of medicine when it comes to defining health. It suggests that health encompasses aspects beyond the scope of medical science and practice, emphasizing that the concept of health extends beyond purely medical definitions or interventions.

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This quote defines a poet as someone whose primary affinity lies with language itself. It suggests that poets have a deep and passionate connection with words, valuing their beauty, nuances, and expressive potential. It highlights the profound love and appreciation poets have for the craft of language and their dedication to its mastery.

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This quote humorously suggests that a professor's lectures may be so monotonous or boring that they could put someone to sleep. It pokes fun at long-winded or unengaging teaching styles.