Thomas Fuller Quotes

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This quote uses a metaphor to suggest that attempting to negotiate or make peace with an untrustworthy or hostile adversary is futile and dangerous. It implies that self-preservation and self-defense are necessary when dealing with individuals or entities that pose a threat or have malicious intentions.

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This quote defines music as the process of taking untamed or chaotic sounds and organizing them into a structured form that respects rhythm and melody. It highlights the creative and transformative nature of music.

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This quote employs a metaphorical expression to convey that one's essential nature or character remains unchanged, even if they undergo new experiences or travel to different places. It implies that traveling does not fundamentally alter one's inherent qualities or traits, highlighting the idea of consistency or authenticity.

Scalded cats fear even cold water.... -Thomas Fuller
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The quote implies that travel has the potential to enhance the wisdom and knowledge of a wise person, while it may have negative consequences for a foolish individual, possibly emphasizing the transformative nature of travel.

The more wit the less courage.... -Thomas Fuller
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This quote emphasizes the importance of extending acts of charity and kindness beyond one's own family or immediate environment. It suggests that while charity should start within one's home, it should not be confined to it but should encompass a broader scope of giving and support to others in need.

Great hopes make great men.... -Thomas Fuller
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This quote suggests that having ambitious aspirations and optimistic expectations can inspire individuals to achieve greatness and become exceptional in their pursuits or endeavors.

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This quote playfully attributes more drownings to Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, than to Neptune, the god of the sea, highlighting the dangers of excessive drinking.

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The quote suggests that acts of kindness offered at inappropriate or unexpected times often go unrecognized or unappreciated.

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This quote implies that the true value and appreciation for health often become evident only in the presence of illness or when one's health is compromised. It suggests that people tend to take their health for granted until they experience its absence, highlighting the importance of recognizing and cherishing good health while it lasts.

Abused patience turns to fury.... -Thomas Fuller
In fair weather prepare for foul.... -Thomas Fuller