Samuel Taylor Coleridge Quotes

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The quote implies that a well-organized or balanced mind should include a sense of humor. It suggests that humor is an essential component of a comprehensive and healthy psychological state.

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This quote points out the paradoxical and contradictory nature of some human behaviors. It highlights instances where people exhibit intolerance and bigotry while claiming to advocate for tolerance and inclusivity.

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The quote highlights the significance of instilling hope in others as a means of healing or comforting, suggesting that a skilled physician is not only adept at medical treatment but also excels in inspiring hope.

Good and bad men are less than they seem.... -Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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This quote implies that individuals, whether good or bad, often present a simplified or incomplete version of themselves, and their true character or nature may be more nuanced or complex than it initially appears.

Poetry: the best words in the best order.... -Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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This quote succinctly captures the essence of poetry by highlighting its focus on selecting the most fitting and powerful words arranged in a skillfully crafted manner. It suggests that poetry strives for precision, elegance, and an optimal arrangement of language to create the most impactful and memorable artistic expression.

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The quote highlights the potential consequences of political actions driven by fear, suggesting that political strategies or decisions rooted in fear often lead to unsuccessful outcomes or negative results.

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This quote proposes a connection between having a sense of humor and possessing a degree of intelligence or creative brilliance. It implies that humor is associated with or indicative of intellectual or creative abilities.