Neil Armstrong Quotes

Research is creating new knowledge.... -Neil Armstrong
Discovering the context

This quote is a famous statement made by astronaut Neil Armstrong upon becoming the first person to set foot on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. It signifies the significance of the achievement for both the individual and humanity as a whole, symbolizing progress and exploration.

Discovering the context

This quote suggests that when certain prerequisites or conditions are present, technology is likely to rise to the occasion and fulfill its role. It implies that technology can address challenges or fulfill needs when appropriate opportunities arise. It reflects on the adaptability of technology to specific contexts.

Discovering the context

This quote represents the iconic message transmitted by astronaut Neil Armstrong upon successfully landing the Apollo lunar module (the Eagle) on the Moon's surface during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

Discovering the context

This quote highlights the connection between mystery, curiosity, and the human drive to seek understanding. It suggests that the presence of the unknown sparks a sense of wonder that fuels the pursuit of knowledge and exploration. It reflects the role of curiosity in human intellectual and scientific endeavors.