Martin Luther Quotes

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The quote asserts that hope is a driving force behind human actions and achievements. It implies that hope provides the inspiration, motivation, and vision necessary to initiate and accomplish endeavors in various aspects of life.

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This quote expresses a high regard for music as a significant and cherished form of human expression. It suggests that music holds immense value and beauty, second only to the divine Word of God. It underscores the emotional and spiritual power of music in uplifting and enriching human experiences.

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This quote attributes a divine quality to music, considering it a form of art bestowed upon humanity by a higher power. It suggests that music carries a spiritual and transcendent essence.

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The quote emphasizes the value of peace while also asserting the importance of truth. It suggests that seeking peace should be a priority, but not at the expense of compromising or sacrificing fundamental truths and principles. It conveys a commitment to truthfulness and integrity alongside the pursuit of peace.

Pray, and let God worry.... -Martin Luther
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This quote conveys the idea of surrendering worries and concerns to God through prayer. It implies that by entrusting one's troubles to God, individuals can find solace and allow God to handle the burdens or uncertainties they face. It underscores the belief in divine providence and the power of relinquishing control to God.

Reason is the enemy of faith.... -Martin Luther
Forgiveness is God's command.... -Martin Luther
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This quote emphasizes the significance of forgiveness in religious teachings. It suggests that forgiving others is not only a moral imperative but also a commandment from God, reflecting His mercy and grace.

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Engaging in violence or aggressive behavior never leads to positive outcomes or solutions. It emphasizes the destructive nature of violence and the importance of peaceful and non-violent approaches to conflict resolution.

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This quote highlights the idea that one's true devotion or ultimate allegiance lies with whatever occupies the center of their heart and receives their unwavering trust. It implies that the object or ideal to which one attaches the most significance becomes their de facto "god" or ultimate source of meaning and security.

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This quote reflects on the idea that worldly desires and pursuits such as wealth, pleasure, and pride often dominate people's lives. It suggests that these earthly desires can become the primary focus or object of worship in contemporary society. It implies a critique of materialism and the prioritization of worldly gains. It underscores the potential conflicts between worldly pursuits and spiritual values.