Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes

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The quote advocates for a calm and composed approach to pursuing worthwhile goals and aspirations. It suggests that even in the pursuit of noble endeavors, maintaining a sense of tranquility and serenity is important. It conveys the idea that peace should permeate all aspects of life, including the pursuit of excellence.

To some extent I liken slavery to death.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
A home without books is a body without soul.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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This quote draws a parallel between the absence of books in a home and the lack of soul in a body. It suggests that books play a vital role in enriching and enlivening a home, symbolizing knowledge, imagination, and intellectual growth. It conveys the idea that a home without books is devoid of the essential elements that give it depth and vitality.

Nature abhors annihilation.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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This quote presents a perspective on war's justification, asserting that the only acceptable reason for engaging in war is to ensure the preservation of peace and safeguarding the well-being and security of individuals. It implies that war should be a means to achieve lasting peace.

True nobility is exempt from fear.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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The statement encourages individuals to lead their lives with bravery and resilience. It suggests that when faced with adversity or unfavorable circumstances, it is important to confront them with courage and determination, maintaining a brave and steadfast spirit.

Fear is not a lasting teacher of duty.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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The quote suggests that while fear can sometimes prompt us to fulfill our obligations or duties, it is not a reliable or sustainable motivator in the long run. Duty motivated by fear may lack sincerity and genuine commitment. Instead, duty driven by understanding, responsibility, and a sense of purpose makes a more lasting and meaningful impact.

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This quote draws a parallel between the state of one's mind and one's physical well-being, suggesting that a disordered or unhealthy mind can hinder the attainment of good health. It implies that mental and physical health are interconnected, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance and well-being in both aspects for overall health.

While there's life, there's hope.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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The quote expresses a fundamental belief in the power of hope, asserting that as long as one is alive, there is always a possibility for positive change, resolution, or improvement. It highlights the enduring nature of hope and its inherent connection to the essence of life.

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This quote suggests that the passage of time can invalidate or prove wrong the theories, speculations, or assumptions made by men, but it ultimately aligns with the natural order of things. It implies that time can bring clarity and reveal the true nature of phenomena or events.

Laws are silent in time of war.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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This quote suggests that during times of war, legal frameworks and regulations may be overshadowed or disregarded. It implies that the exigencies and exigencies of war can override established laws, norms, and principles, resulting in a suspension of normal legal processes.

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This quote praises skilled public speakers who possess both eloquence and the ability to use words judiciously and diplomatically. It acknowledges the admiration and respect people have for orators who can effectively convey their message with poise and tact. The quote underscores the impact of effective communication in garnering admiration.

Hatred is inveterate anger.... -Marcus Tullius Cicero
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This quote attributes a specific function to wisdom, stating that its purpose is to discern or differentiate between actions, choices, or situations that are considered good or morally right from those that are evil or morally wrong.