Marc Newson Quotes

Discovering the context

The quote suggests that there is a tendency among people to romanticize or overcomplicate the fields of design and architecture by insisting on the necessity of formal training. It implies a belief that natural talent, self-learning, or alternative paths can also contribute to success in these domains.

Discovering the context

This quote reflects the creative process and the personal disposition required for effective creation. It suggests that being in a positive and relaxed state of mind, characterized by a good mood and happiness, enhances one's ability to produce creative work. It implies that emotions and mental states play a significant role in artistic expression and productivity. It underscores the importance of emotional well-being in creative endeavors.

Discovering the context

The quote emphasizes the significance of imbuing designs with a distinct personality or character. It suggests that design should go beyond mere functionality and aesthetics, advocating for the inclusion of unique and expressive qualities that contribute to the overall personality or identity of the designed objects.