Henry Adams Quotes

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This quote emphasizes the enduring impact of teachers on their students' lives. A teacher's influence goes beyond the immediate moment and can leave a lasting mark on the personal and intellectual growth of their students, even shaping their future decisions and achievements.

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The quote suggests that even those who passively support or cheer for political figures or movements serve a purpose by contributing to the overall atmosphere and dynamics of politics.

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The quote humorously implies that practical politics often involves disregarding or downplaying factual information, suggesting that political decision-making is not solely based on objective truths.

Friends are born, not made.... -Henry Adams
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This quote suggests that periods of chaos or disruption can sometimes give rise to new opportunities or vitality, while excessive order or stability may lead to stagnation or complacency. It implies a recognition of the transformative potential of chaos and the need for a balance between order and flexibility in promoting growth and progress.