Ernest Hemingway Quotes

Ernest Hemingway was a literary giant, celebrated for his iconic novels and short stories. His succinct writing style and depictions of war and human emotions have made him one of the most influential and revered authors of the 20th century.

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This quote metaphorically compares prose writing to architecture, emphasizing structure and coherence over superficial ornamentation. It suggests that the Baroque style, known for its ornate decoration, is no longer in fashion or relevant in contemporary architecture.

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This quote reflects the artist's goal to convey their observations and emotions in a clear and impactful manner. It implies that the artist strives for concise and authentic expression, presenting their vision and emotions with honesty and clarity.

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The quote playfully suggests that writing and travel can expand one's perspective or horizons, metaphorically referring to the "ass" (meaning understanding) and the mind. Additionally, it mentions the speaker's preference for writing in a physically active position, standing up.

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This quote challenges the perception that war, even if deemed necessary or justified under certain circumstances, is exempt from being considered a crime. It implies that the act of engaging in war, with its inherent violence and destruction, is inherently morally and ethically problematic.

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This quote suggests that the most effective way to determine if someone is trustworthy is by initially placing trust in them. It indicates a belief in the importance of giving individuals the opportunity to demonstrate their trustworthiness through their actions and behavior. The quote implies a perspective that trust is built through reciprocal trust and the experience of reliability over time.

Courage is grace under pressure.... -Ernest Hemingway
Man is not made for defeat.... -Ernest Hemingway
Wars are caused by undefended wealth.... -Ernest Hemingway
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This quote proposes that wars arise due to the existence of wealth that is inadequately protected or defended. It implies that economic disparities and the desire to gain control over valuable resources can be underlying factors leading to conflicts and military confrontations.

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The quote advises against traveling with individuals with whom one does not share a strong emotional connection or fondness. It implies that travel experiences are more enjoyable and fulfilling when shared with loved ones or those with whom one has a strong bond.