Erich Fromm Quotes

Erich Fromm was a renowned psychologist and philosopher, known for his influential theories on human behavior, love, and society. His writings continue to be studied and appreciated in the fields of psychology and philosophy.

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This quote invites reflection on the nature of identity and self-worth. It suggests that if one's identity is solely defined by material possessions or external circumstances, then losing those externalities would lead to a loss of self. It questions the essence of true identity beyond external belongings.

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The quote highlights the unconditional and innate nature of a mother's love, which is associated with peace. It suggests that a mother's love provides a sense of security, comfort, and tranquility that is not earned or acquired but freely given. It conveys the nurturing and peaceful qualities attributed to a mother's love.

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This quote contrasts the perception of successful revolutionaries as statesmen or visionary leaders, while unsuccessful revolutionaries are seen as criminals or individuals who failed to achieve their objectives through revolution.