Edward Young Quotes

English poet best known for his poem "Night Thoughts," a series of meditations on life, death, and the afterlife. Young's work, characterized by its melancholic and reflective tone, was popular during the 18th century and influenced later Romantic poets.

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This quote playfully suggests that even individuals who claim to be atheists may experience moments of doubt or a subconscious acknowledgment of the possibility of a higher power or divine presence, particularly in moments of darkness or vulnerability.

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This quote presents a somber perspective on life and death. It suggests that life can be likened to a desert and a solitary journey, and death is the inevitable outcome that unites all individuals with the majority who have passed away.

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This quote suggests that men may behave foolishly or make mistakes during their lifetime, but ultimately, they cannot escape the consequences or judgment of their actions. It implies that foolish behavior is a temporary state, but its impact or consequences are lasting.