E. M. Forster Quotes

E. M. Forster was an English novelist known for his works like "A Room with a View," "Howards End," and "A Passage to India." He explored themes of class struggle and human connections in his writing, making him an important figure in English literature.

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This quote contrasts the dynamic nature of history, which continuously evolves and progresses, with the more static nature of art, which remains fixed or unchanging. It implies that history is constantly unfolding and being shaped by new events and developments, while art remains as a representation or reflection of a particular moment in time.

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This quote asserts that to lead a successful and fulfilling life, it is essential to have an affectionate and trusting attitude towards people. It implies a belief that trusting others is necessary to avoid creating chaos or complicating one's own life. The quote suggests that trust and goodwill towards others are important for personal well-being and harmonious relationships.

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This quote emphasizes the importance of remembering or recalling past experiences, knowledge, or history in order to achieve a deeper level of comprehension and understanding. It suggests that memory serves as a foundation for learning and insight.