Don Rickles Quotes

Don Rickles, also known as "Mr. Warmth," was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He was famous for his sharp wit, insult comedy, and ability to poke fun at audience members and celebrities alike. Rickles's unique comedic style made him a memorable figure in the entertainment industry and earned him the respect and admiration of fellow comedians and fans. He appeared in numerous films and TV shows throughout his career and remained an influential and beloved comedian until his passing. Rickles's impact on comedy continues to be celebrated by comedians and comedy enthusiasts.

Discovering the context

The quote implies that comedy or humor is not something that can be learned or acquired through study. It suggests that humor is an innate aspect of an individual's personality or character.

Discovering the context

This quote implies that the speaker's friends appreciate their sense of humor, which may differ from what is traditionally considered "innocent" or "childlike." It suggests the value and acceptance of their unique humor.