Alfred Hitchcock Quotes

Alfred Hitchcock was an English film director and producer who is widely regarded as one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He is known for his suspenseful and psychologically complex films, including "Psycho," "Vertigo," and "Rear Window." Hitchcock's distinctive style and masterful storytelling techniques have had a lasting impact on the thriller and suspense genres, and his films continue to be celebrated for their cinematic brilliance.

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This quote metaphorically suggests that while many movies explore various aspects of life, the speaker's movies provide a delightful and enjoyable experience, akin to savoring a slice of cake.

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This quote draws a comparison between the role of a director in different types of films, humorously suggesting that in fictional feature films, the director exercises godlike control and authority, while in documentaries, the focus is on capturing the natural world directed by God.

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This quote humorously comments on the duration of movies, implying that the length of a film should be considered in relation to the audience's physical comfort and ability to sit through it without discomfort.

Revenge is sweet and not fattening.... -Alfred Hitchcock
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This quote, likely delivered with irony or tongue-in-cheek, suggests the intention to create intense or emotionally challenging cinematic experiences that deeply engage and affect the audience.